Jumapili ya bahari
  • Jumapili hii inaadhimishwa kila Jumapili ya pili ya mwezi wa saba. Kanisa linawaalika na kujumuika na waumini wote ulimwenguni, kuwaombea wote wale wanaohusika, na kufanya kazi katika mazingira ya bahari, maziwa na mito. Kanisa linamshukuru Mungu kwa uwepo wa mabaharia na wavuvi linawashukuru mabaharia kwa kazi zao na kuwaombea waweze kuwa na uvumulivu, na ujasiri katika upweke wao na magumu yote wanayokumbana nayo, waendelee kuimarika kiimani na katika wajibu wao. Zaidi ya asilima 90 ya biashara za aina zote, za kimataifa zinapitia baharini.

  • Kanisa linawatambua, linajali na kuheshimu mabaharia, wavuvi na familia zao, linakiri mchango wao mkubwa katika kurahisisha na kufanikisha shughuli mbalimbali za kijamii. Kwa njia ya bidhaa wanazosarifisha wao ni kiungo cha biashara za kitaifa na kimataifa. Kanisa linatambua magumu wanayoyapata katika makazi na masilahi yao linawafikiria, linawakumbuka katika kuwaombea ili wazidi kudumu katika kazi zao.

  • Kuwatia moyo wote wale wenye “wito” na uelekeo wa ubaharia na uvuvi kwani bado ni muhimu na wanahitajika.

  • Kuwaombea Mungu awalaze mahali pema mabaharia, wavuvi, famila zao na wale wote ambao wamepoteza maisha yao baharini, au ziwani, au kwenye mito, wakiwa kazini, au wasafiri. Yapo maeneo ambapo jumapili hii huadhimishwa ufukweni, na wakati wa kuwaombea kama ishara ya kuwakumbuka, mashada ya maua yanatupwa baharini.

  • Kipindi ambacho kwa njia ya jumuiya za utume wa bahari, waumini wanahamasishwa kupanga, kukuza na kuboresha huduma na misaada itolewayo na jumuiya za kikristu wa mahali walipo mabaharia na wavuvi. Wanakumbushwa kuwa na moyo wa ukarimu, upendo, mshikamano na kuwatendea mema.

  • Bahari inabadilisha sana maisha ya mabaharia na wavuvi. Taratibu za maisha yao huratibiwa na shughuli na mazingira ya bahari, au ziwani, au mito mikubwa wanamofanya kazi. Mara nyingi wanakutana na hali za upweke, na pia mbali na familia zao.

  • Baadhi ya mabaharia na wavuvi wanaishi katika mazingira magumu, duni ya hatari na yenye kipato kidogo, wengine wanajikuta katika masharti na mazingira magumu ya kazi

Huduma maalumu au za kipekee zinatolewa na kanisa kwa ajili yao ili waweze kujisikia ni wanajumuiya na kuwa utu na kazi zao unatambulika kuheshimiwa na kutegemezwa.

  • Kuwapokea kwa ukarimu, undugu na kuwatendea mema, wafikapo kwenye vituo vya mabaharia. Mfano. Mission to seafarers and Stella Maris Centres. Vituo vya utume wa bahari vina huduma zifuatazo: Eneo la ibaada, sala (Kanisa) viburudisho, chakula kuogelea, mawasiliano. simu na interent.

  • Wahudumu wa utume wa bahari kupitia kwa mlezi, chaplain, kushirikiana na viongozi wa bahari ili kufahamu meli zinazoingia.

  • Kuwa na utaratibu wa kuwatembelea mabaharia melini mara wafikapo. Kuwapatia huduma za kiroho au melini au kwenye vituo vya utume wa bahari, kulingana na mahitaji yao.

  • Kuwasaidia wawapo na shida mbalimbali kama afya, na maswala ya haki za binadamu, kwa kuwasiliana na mashirika husika

  • Kuwafikiria, kuwakumbuka, kuwaombea mabaharia na wavuvi katika sala. Kanisa limeweka siku/pekee maalumu Jumapili ya bahari kwa ajili ya kuwaombea.

1.      Mama Bikira Maria ;-Vituo vya utume wa bahari  vinajulikana kwa jina STELLA MARIS (Nyota ya Bahari)  Ulimwengu wa bahari unamtambua kama mwombezi na msimamizi wao.
2.      -Watakatifu Petro na Andrea  - wote wavuvi
3.      -Mt Francis wa Paola  (1416-1517)  - Msimamizi wa mabaharia wa Italia.
4.      -Mt. Nicolaus – askofu wa myra. Tangu karne ya tatu anatambulikana kama msimamizi wa wahudumu wa mitumbwi.
5.      Lukas Banabakintu. Mmoja wa mashahidi 22 wa Uganda.

1.      Jimbo kuu la Dar-es-Salaam,Majimbo ya Mtwara,Lindi,Tanga na Zanzibar
2.      Majimbo eneo la maziwa makuu;-Mbinga,Njombe,Mbeya, Sumbawanga,Kigoma,Rulenge,GeitaMusoma,Shinyanga,Jimbo kuu la Mwanza.
3.      Majimbo eneo la mabwawa na mito mikubwa;- Same,Kilimanjaro ,Iringa nk


Message for Sea Sunday 2016
(10th July 2016)

Seated comfortably on the sofa in our living room, we find it difficult to understand how much our daily life is depending on the maritime industry and the sea. If we look around in the places where we live and work, we realize that most of the furniture and IT equipment we are using have been transported by ships, our clothes were shipped in containers from the other side of the world and the fruits we eat were delivered by refrigerated ships from another country while tankers are transporting oil and petrol for our cars. Without seaborne trade the import and export of goods and finished products would not be possible.
Even when we decide to enjoy and relax by going in a cruise we do not think that thousands of seafarers are working hard to make sure that everything will run smoothly and we will have a comfortable vacation.
Furthermore in the recent humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean Sea the crews of merchant vessels have been in the front line to intervene and rescuing thousands of people trying to sail to Europe on board of overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels, inflatable rafts.
Almost 1.200.000 seafarers of every nationality (many of them from developing countries) on board of 50,000 merchant ships are transporting almost 90% of every kind of cargo. The unforgiving forces of the open sea and of the oceans expose ships to significant risk, and the seafarers are “risking their life” more than one way.
The physical life of the seafarers is at risk because aside from the hazards of the forces of the nature, piracy and armed robbery, shifting from one area to another and constantly evolving and adapting to new situations, continue to be a major threat to the security of the crew. Their psychological well-being is at risk when after having been at sea for days or weeks they are denied shore leave and prevented to leave the vessel.
The family life of the seafarers is in danger because their contracts force them to stay away from their families and loved ones for many months and often for several years on a row. Children are growing up without a fatherly figure while all the family’s responsibilities are on the shoulders of the mother.
The human and working dignity of the seafarers is at risk when they are exploited with long working hours and their wages are delayed for months or in cases of abandonments not paid at all. Criminalization of seafarers is a serious concern especially considering that in recent years a number of previously considered lawful seafaring activities have been criminalized particularly in relation to incidents such as shipwrecks, pollution, etc.
Encouraged by Pope Francis who called the chaplains and volunteers of the Apostleship of the Sea to “be the voice of those workers who live far from their loved ones and face dangerous and difficult situations” , as Apostleship of the Sea we stand at the side of seafarers to reiterate that their human and labor rights must be respected and protected.
We would like also to call on Governments and competent maritime authorities to strengthening the implementation of the ILO Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) 2006, especially the Regulation 4.4 whose purpose is:  To ensure that seafarers working on board a ship have access to shore-based facilities and services to secure their health and well-being.
Finally, on this occasion of the annual celebration of Sea Sunday we would like to remind to all Christian communities and to each individual how important and essential are the seafarer profession and the shipping industry for our daily life. We would like to call on the bishops, especially the ones of maritime Dioceses to establish and support the Maritime Apostolate as  “a visible sign of your affectionate attention to those who cannot receive ordinary pastoral care.”
While expressing our gratitude to the seafarers for their work, we entrust them and their families to the maternal protection of Mary, Stella Maris.







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